Relieving Dental Anxiety
Relieving Your Dental Anxiety at Fox Family Dentistry
Dental Anxiety felt when going to the dentist’s office is a debilitating feeling of helplessness. It often is a result of one bad experience. With every patient who walks through the door, we try to reduce their dental anxiety by being courteous, welcoming, and gentle. In fact, Drs. Lawrence and Erik Fox look for a certain type of person when hiring a staff member. They must be able to make you feel comfortable to the point where you don’t feel threatened by the dental procedure that you are about to undergo. Our staff at Fox Family Dentistry cares about you, and part of our ultimate goal is to make you feel right at home when you are in our dental office.

The Importance of Being Relaxed While Having Dental Work Done
If you come into our office and you are tense and jumpy, it can have an effect on the accuracy of your dental procedure. Quick, unexpected movements can cause our doctors and staff to not be as accurate as they normally would be. Dentistry requires a doctor that is very sure-handed, and if the patient makes sudden movements, it doesn’t matter how sure-handed the dentist may be. If you suffer from dental anxiety to the point where you may become jumpy, we can give you the proper sedation to ensure that your dental procedure is performed perfectly!
Dental Sedation Options in Burke and Springfield, VA
For those of you who can’t bear the thought of sitting still to have dental work done no matter how great the staff treats you, we have several dental sedation options that will make your appointment less stressful. If you feel that you must be sedated, we have a local anesthesiologist who will come in and sedate you for your procedure. We bring in an outside anesthesiologist because they are a specialist in knowing just how much anesthesia to use to sedate someone. They will come into our office and will use an IV to sedate you and put you at ease.
Another sedation option that you will have a choice of using is inhaled sedation. It is a commonly used gas in dentist’s offices that will help you relax so we can give you a beautifully confident smile. All of your dental anxiety will slip away with its help!
If you don’t feel like you need full-on anesthesia or inhaled sedation to help ease your anxiety, we have an easier option in the form of taking a Valium pill. Valium will help you deal with the procedure that is giving you so much anxiety. With all of these sedation options, we can give you longer appointments to ensure that you’re never rushed and to account for the administering of anesthesia or other stress-relieving tools. We want you to be comfortable during your experience at Fox Family Dentistry!
For more information about how we relieve dental anxiety, call our Burke office at 703-978-5253 or our Springfield office at 571-429-4420, or make an appointment by using our handy online contact form.
Fox Family Dentistry
Burke Office
5200 Lyngate Ct, Burke, VA 22015
Monday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:00 – 4:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Springfield Office
7837 Rolling Road, Springfield, VA 22153
Monday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Second Floor, 5200 Lyngate Ct, Burke, VA 22015, USA
7837 Rolling Rd, Springfield, VA 22153, USA