Laser Dentistry
Laser Dentistry Solutions in Burke and Springfield, VA
Laser treatment is available at Fox Family Dentistry for certain types of cavities. This unique way of finding cavities and completing fillings is different from anything you’ve ever experienced before. We can even treat your gums with dental laser treatment. You no longer need to fear a cavity because a laser takes all the discomfort out of the process for many types of tooth fillings. Below, we’ve gone into detail about each of our laser dentistry treatment options.

WaterLase® Dental Laser
Imagine not fearing a filling. You can walk into the dentist’s office for your appointment with complete confidence that the professionals at Fox Family Dentistry will make the experience as comfortable as possible. The WaterLase® Dental Laser uses state-of-the-art precision to remove only the damaged part of your tooth, which means smaller fillings. It also means that you won’t need to be numbed. The laser removal is pain-free and quick. We can clean the cavity and add a beautiful tooth-colored filling and send you on your way!
DIAGNOdent® Cavity Detection
Lasers are great for preparing your cavity for a filling, but we also use lasers to detect cavities that aren’t visible otherwise. The DIAGNOdent® cavity detection laser locates cavities when they are still too small to be spotted with the naked eye. This allows us to catch cavities sooner, fill them while they are small, and keep you from feeling any discomfort during the process. This is just another way that we can ensure your next filling will be pain-free and needle-free.
LaserSmile® Diode Laser
Lasers aren’t just for your teeth. As you know, the health of your teeth is only a part of your overall oral health. We are also concerned about the health of your gums. The LaserSmile® makes that easier. This soft-tissue laser can repair gum tissue quickly and painlessly. Most gum treatment is done with a scalpel and sutures, but LaserSmile® practically eliminates the need for either.
Contact Us Today for Laser Dentistry
Going to the dentist doesn’t have to be uncomfortable. You no longer need to feel nervous about routine restorative procedures, like having a filling, because laser dentistry is here to stay. If you’re interested in learning more about laser dentistry, reach out to the team at Fox Family Dentistry today!
Fox Family Dentistry
Burke Office
5200 Lyngate Ct, Burke, VA 22015
Monday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:00 – 4:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Springfield Office
7837 Rolling Road, Springfield, VA 22153
Monday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Second Floor, 5200 Lyngate Ct, Burke, VA 22015, USA
7837 Rolling Rd, Springfield, VA 22153, USA